Aqui se pueden encontrar los libros, artículos y presentaciones públicas durante más de treinta anos, donde he sido autor, co-autor o editor, desde libros de divulgación en las áreas de la filosofía a la teología, la historia y la política.
Ademas, hay cientos de artículos publicados en periódicos y revistas, que cubre una amplia variedad de temas relacionados con la política, la filosofía, la cultura y la experiencia cristiana. La mayoría de los escritos están en español, pero hay muchos escritos en inglés. Se han publicado en El Observador del Urugual, The Leaven y Dos Mundos de Kansas city, Huellas, Revista Internacional, El Subsidiario, de Italia, Ultima Hora y La Nación, de Paraguay, entre otros.
For over thirsty years, Prof. Ramos Reyes has productively created content for books, articles, and public presentations. This section is just a repository of some of this material. This list includes BOOKS, ARTICLES AND, PRESENTATIONS (VIDEOS) which Ramos-Reyes has authored, co-authored or edited, old and new, from popular books in philosophy to areas of theology, history and politics.
BOOKS AND SCHOLARLY WORK. There are more than fifteen texts., among those who Prof Ramos Reyes has authored, co-authored, or written the foreword, presented at conferences or given academic talks.
There are hundred of ARTICLES published in newspapers, and periodicals, that cover a wide variety of subjects related to politics, philosophy, culture, and the Christian experience. Most of the writing is in Spanish but there are many which were written in English. There have been published in El Observador, The Leaven, The Key, Dos Mundos, Huellas, Il Subsidiario, Ultima Hora, La Nación, and others.