
cultureLiberal democracy has become the indisputable model of a contemporary political regime. Liberalism, as the political system which cherishes the rule of law, separation of powers, free exchange of goods and services, political liberties, the rights and privileges of citizens and, above all, constitutionalism, has made  society more free and, along with that, democratic.

Yet the essential traits that would make a regime liberal and democratic have been debated over the past fifty years. There has been a variety of interpretations about the proper significance and many ways of defending and strengthening the foundations and framework of a liberal democracy. The role of government, the scope of freedom of religion and the content of the values that a civil society ought to pursue and defend has received different and even conflicting interpretations. Liberals and Conservatives, Christian democrats and Social democrats all have claimed in one way or another to represent the best development and true interpretation of liberal democracy.

Political philosophy embraces a call to a permanent search for the fundamental principles which provide solid foundations to our political life.  In obeying that call, CED examines these different interpretations of liberal democracy in order to synthesize their findings, and make a contribution to discovering those essential traits that make our society liberal and democratic.