Second Annual Health-Care-Encouner
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 8:00 am to 4:30
With the awareness of the urgent need to find a common ground, a meeting place where health care professionals and caregivers can come together for a dialogue attempting to rediscovered the inherent unconditional value of the of the needs of the patient-as-person indispensable for the care of the patient.
Keynote speaker: Mario Ramos-Reyes PhD
“What do we mean by the needs of the patient as a person?
Answering to this question would lead us to discover the value of the ordinary needs of the patient as extraordinary.
First Session “A unique way to live our profession as a new culture. A reemergence in health care practice” By Dr. Dulce M. Cruz-Oliver
Second Session “To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always” The view point of a family By Kim and Don Shankman
Third Session “Living this new culture. In the daily work life of a Nurse” By Jody Akins, BSN
Final Remarks “Is it reasonable then to say, we are health care specialist not philosophers or psychologists?